Thursday, January 5, 2012

Earnings at the polls - myth or reality?
Discussing ways of earning on the Internet, we can not ignore earnings at the polls. For many novice internet entrepreneurs earning this type is the most attractive, because it does not require:

1) expertise

2) any special skills

3) time-consuming

4) any investment

But is it all just as it seems? How much can you get from earnings on the polls? Why do we need polls?

Polls - a method of marketing research, which is used to analyze the behavior of consumers and their preferences. Surveys can be carried out in different ways: focus groups, surveys, online surveys, etc.

  Marketing research companies are to truly golden asset. Thus is revealed the demand for products, and properly conducted research is helping the company to forecast earnings, determine profitability and feasibility of the project, innovation, etc.
1. Participation in focus groups: full-time implies the presence of the respondent in the office of an organization and answer questions with other members. Payment for participation in focus groups: an average of 500 rubles per survey. Where to find: sites and newspapers to find work.
Cons: time spent on a trip to the office and back, a small number of surveys are often required to participant had not previously participated in focus groups.

2. Questionnaire: answers to the questions the interviewers are on guard for you at the metro, supermarkets, etc. Fee: $ 0. Sometimes companies give a prize for participating in the survey or a discount on products.
3. The third type of surveys - online surveys are a form of questioning, conducted only on the Internet. Where to find: search engines. Fee: 20-70 rubles per survey.
This kind of earnings to the polls we will consider in more detail. Surveys of this type of widely used abroad, and in recent years, Russian companies are also using this type of research. How does it work? You register on the website, conducting surveys, and it starts with a certain frequency to send the available surveys. You go into your account, answer questions and to your virtual account listed fee.
Especially talented citizens burzhuyneta manage to make a survey and $ 700 per month.
But on closer examination it appears that:
1. Surveys of the same company will come often. On average, 2-5 times per month. So, the register must in many companies.
2. Western companies are not interested in consumer opinion of Russia and CIS. So even registered in the survey, you are unlikely to be able to participate in at least one thing: you'll get the standard runaround in the English language that you do not fit the parameters.
3. Well-known Russian company survey money get paid for your opinion, and they are interested. But .... They are also very rarely send surveys, and also often you do not fit the parameters. Who found this settings is unknown. As a result, your income may be only 70 rubles a month.
Speaking of earnings at the polls, not to mention a new online service surveys One day, analyzing the situation in the market, I saw information about this service. So both in terms of my writing this article stood, not to pay attention to the new service was simply impossible.
And since the vast majority of articles were published on the site as a result of personal experiments, also been tested on himself. After registering on the site see the following inscription:

  If you think that your opinion is worth nothing, you're wrong =)
So, is interesting. The work is to look at ads and filling out the questionnaire. Payments promised to achieve a balance of 800 rubles. Well, have begun. Surveys are available in quantities of 1 piece per day. After achieving a balance of 120 rubles to 200 rubles and you can get 2 and 3 polling day, respectively. Further events are quite interesting: after some months of torment (to the same site periodically hangs). On the day of x (02/15/2011) in a number field R-purse WebMoney and amount requested for withdrawal. Under the program payments are made until 7 the next month. On 09.03.2011 and payment of court remains the status of "expected." Do I have to explain that the money I can not wait?

  Frankly, somewhere in the middle of an experiment, I decided to promonitorit desk on the Internet and came across a lot of negative reviews on the company. All complained that money was not paid. But for scientific purposes still decided to experiment to end.
At the same time to the service was filed three complaints in arbitration WebMoney.
Why build a pyramid for the sake of the pyramid? The answer to this question, I think, know only the creators of the pyramid. Nevertheless, we can assume that: a viral manner raznesshayasya information about a new way superzarabotka (to the same system is able to attract referrals) has attracted a huge number of visitors to the site. The site was created in November 2010 and TIC for 40 (for the average site it is practically impossible, and if really it is very, very expensive).

  This is achieved thanks to the huge amount was outgoing links on the site. People were on the possibility of easy money and lead referrals crowd. Next: Online advertising is Google, which this immense traffic clicked, bringing good profits to owners. Some kind of advertising is hanging by offering know the secret name. I do not know what it is, but feedback from people is not very. At these sites one-day people manage to put together a considerable profit.
True, if someone of the readers will think can create something similar for a profit - do not forget that the way to deceive people can be classified as fraud.
 Based on the foregoing we can conclude:

  1. Unfortunately, earnings at the polls, at least in Russia - a myth. At best, you naskrebete out to pay for the mobile phone, and not even once. And so, as long as services do not create an effective survey work, this kind of income does not hold water.

  Yes, overseas people can earn up to $ 700. But do not forget: they would have to fill out forms all day (literally, 8-9 hours a day!). And secondly, for the price level, for example in the U.S., revenue of $ 700 a month, probably a little more than unemployment benefits. Therefore, a thriving online businessman himself with such income is difficult to name.
 2. Personal data. If the prospect of quick money is still gone to your brain, and you decide to try to make a survey, be very careful. Recorded only in the well-known marketing companies with good reputations, companies that exist on the market for a long time, have no notoriety delinquency respondents, etc. Many companies are already very well ask intimate information: the amount of your earnings, what is your car, what appliances are etc. - Supposedly this is done in order to evaluate how you approach a profile survey. But think, what if the data fall into unscrupulous company? What will happen to all this data? What if they sell? And then you poimeete problems in all areas of life?
Avoid companies that were created yesterday. Do not tell them personal information and information about your earnings.

  3. When a suspicious "bells" make feet from this company: Do not waste your time.
For example, in case warning signs were:
1. Youth Service (November 2010). The ability to enter into advertising contracts with these "sharks" business as "Unilever», Procter & Gamble and others questionable. Question: why would anyone have such a young company money to pay so many people?

2. The standard form for all types of advertising.

3. A high threshold payments (800 rubles).

4. Unprofessional advertising, filmed almost a mobile phone.

5. Advertising placed in the public domain, particularly on Youtube.

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