On this side of the blog will have the opportunity to find a glossary of certain terms used in the business world. The page will be updated constantly with new terms as we remember about them. The goal is to help you read the business literature in English, and a number of dictionaries do not contain.
We will focus on some newer and more specific business terms in English.
AdSense - basically an application created by advertising google first, but a similar principle today work and other similar applications for advertising. This application allows placement of ads on your site and you will earn if someone clicks on that ad. Apart from clicking the collection can be and impressions from the ad. The standard of payment for a click ranging from a few cents to several dollars.
Affiliate Marketing - is a special kind of marketing practice that uses the Internet through which a business (site) becomes affiliate (member of the affiliate program) the right vendor and the affiliate gets a prize from the seller to every visitor sent to the site who committed purchase. This process has become a boom in recent years as Internet marketing is used by the world-famous Internet businesses. For some of us call it as a network marketing but it can be said to represent only one type of network marketing.
Autoresponder - Autoresponder or literal translation is odgovarach automated computer program used to answer an e-mail-sent links to it. Great use found in internet marketing or specifically email marketing for sending email to potential customers.
Butterfly Effect - Butterfly Effect comes from the theory of chaos and exceedingly simple words means that small things can have far-reaching consequences. For example, what happens today, do something today that may not seem very significant changes utreshnosta. This term was first used by Edward Lorenz who served in simulations to predict the time and reduced number who entered in decimal and obtaining quite different predictions. The difference in decimal called the butterfly effect in order to describe if you move the butterfly wings in one place will affect the weather elsewhere. More details about the butterfly effect can be found in the butterfly effect and video business butterfly effect.
Business Model - The business model describes how a business creates, acquires and delivers value. - Business Model Generation - Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur.
Bounce Rate - This is a term that belongs to the terminology of email marketing. Is the rate of returned links to the email-sender characterized by a message from the mail system that is returned for reasons such as non-existent domain name cluttered inbox of the recipient's non-existent email address.
BlackList - BlackList (black list) is a term that belongs to the terminology of email marketing. This word denotes a group containing a list of IP addresses that are suspected of sending unsolicited email messages (spam). If the IP address from which you send your email messages as part of an email marketing campaign at a high rate of complaints to Internet service providers, high bounce rate, or a number of posts of old and outdated addresses will no more likely to enter this junk list.
Cross-selling - selling is a technique which offers another type of product while offering an offer that is irresistible to the buyer. For example, if you sell sandwiches, you can bid and juice while the price if purchased as separate products will be more expensive. With this technique the seller tries to get the most out of each sale.
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) - Optimisation of the conversion rate is a term that is becoming more popular among internet marketarite and optimization is the process of conversion of a particular campaign. If it is email marketing campaign CRO aims to increase sales of a sent email. If a party through which to sell something, a process that should lead to improvement (increase) the number of buyers in terms of number of visitors.
Deliverability - Word of email marketing terminology which indicates the number of sent email-links reduced the number of email-s classified as a bounce.
E-mail marketing - a special form of marketing, specifically direct marketing which uses a-mail-enabled as a means of propaganda to send a message or contact with current or potential customer. Standards in the world to use autoresponderi for this purpose.